Friday, March 13, 2020

Princess Bee: Princess and Queen Bios II


Princess Sashi Mizu De Serra

Hair: Black with dark purple tips, Shoulder-length, Emo Bangs cover one of her eyes, Twintails

Eyes: Red. Behind them... She's actually fairly sweet, the tough girl thing is an act.

Height: 5'6

Figure: C-Cup, Hourglass

Feet: Size 7, Onyx black polish. She has webbed toes, but overall really lovely feet.

Personality and Background: Sashi is a typical punk girl in both appearance and attitude. She comes off as aggressive, abrasive, and rude, but deep down the tough girl thing is an act and she's actually kind of a pushover... In that, she talks tough but probably would go down in a fight pretty quick. Unless she was able to bite her opponent first... Considering her Piranha teeth... She is... Extremely sexually aggressive and sometimes she doesn't ask and just starts going to town... Which is fine... Mostly... It's never truly unwanted, but can be intrusive when you're trying to do other shit and your sexually voracious Piranha wife wants to eat you out... Or make out... Or fuck... You're married and you love dominant and sexually aggressive women who take charge, but it makes you wonder if she's sexually assaulted other girls before who are less open to random sex... Although... As a Princess, I suppose she can do whatever she wants... She's never done it to you around other people, but sometimes in private she just jumps you! She is extremely skilled at using her mouth on you without her razor teeth ever touching your sensitive vaginal flesh or drawing blood. She did threaten to "Give you a hickey on your vagina!" When you first met her though, haha. Also, she has a bit of a light French accent despite her Asian-looking appearance. When she's really pissed off and/or scared she will bark like a dog. It's a piranha thing, look it up. Sashi is just the only one who does it regularly cause it freaks people out, it's more of an ancient custom with her people that has mostly died out. She will also threaten people by clicking her teeth together to make a snapping sound, it's especially effective at scaring men... When you consider that it's not random, and she's actually saying "I am going to bite your dick off if you don't back off!" in Morse Code... Yeah...

Age: 27 (Aging similar to a Biyalian)

Rank and Occupation: 7th Princess of the Serrasalmidaen Empire (She has many sisters), Marriage Candidate for the Alliance of Empires, later wife

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Queen Moira De Serra

Hair: Black, shoulder-length, bob

Eyes: Red. Behind them... She seems nice, she just gives off Queenly vibes.

Height: 5'5

Figure: She gets M.I.L.F. status. D-Cup, Hourglass

Feet: Size 6, Onyx black polish. She has webbed toes, but overall really lovely feet.

Personality and Background: She exudes grace and decorum, you honestly fantasize about being under her feet. Like her daughter, she has a light French accent despite her Asian-looking appearance.

Age: Probably 40 something, but due to their similar aging to Biyalians she looks like she could be Sashi's sister

Rank and Occupation: Queen of the Serrasalmidaen Empire, Mother-in-Law

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian (She has many children. After her twelfth or so child, she was just so done! Her species gives live births mind you, they do not lay eggs.) 

Royal Consort Patricia "Trish" De Serra

Alias: The Mute Mistress

Hair: Blonde, mid-back length, straight or in Star Wars Princess Leia Spacebuns.

Eyes: Red. Behind them... She might be mute, but her eyes say a lot. She's not mean or evil, just really dominant.

Height: 5'8

Figure: She gets M.I.L.F. status. D-Cup, Hourglass

Feet: Size 9, Blood Red glitter polish with Rhinestones. Nails on the longer side. She has webbed toes but, overall really lovely feet. All of the Piranha women have gorgeous feet, but you know Trish's feet the best out of all of them since she sends you so many goddamn pictures and videos of them and all the time you spend with them when you're together... But, low-key she has the cutest feet, it's just a slight edge of her wife and daughters-in-law because she goes above and beyond with her pedicures and lotions/oils/scrubs to makes sure they're uber soft and smell just... Mmmmm... She always took care of her feet but went even crazier taking care of them after meeting you and learning of your monster foot fetish. Not gonna lie... Her feet make you drool a little... Both the aesthetics of them and the memories of her divine footjobs make you want to touch yourself... Oh, and her videos include JOIs... She doesn't have to speak to make lewd faces and gestures and she's gorgeous from head to toe... Your relationship with some of your in-laws is quite interesting, to say the least...

Personality and Background: Due to a nasty parasitic infection during her childhood in her secondary (Neck) gills that spread to her larynx she is unable to speak at all. The infection was swiftly treated and cleared up, but the damage to her larynx had already become irreversible. Actions speak louder than words so you're more or less able to understand each other, Sashi will also translate when needed, but you've gotten really good at reading body language. She communicates with body language and with gestures. It's pretty obvious what she wants when she points at her feet, makes really lewd licking and sucking motions with her tongue and mouth, and smiles pleadingly at you. You would think that being mute she'd have a subdued personality, but the opposite is probably true. You get dominant vibes from her... She likes to smile at you and lick her lips seductively... It's a little hot... And a little unnerving because of her teeth... But you seriously enjoy being under her feet and she seems to enjoy dominating you. Sometimes when she's dominating you she wraps her thicc thighs around your neck from behind and gives you a footjob... Trish can do whatever she wants to you if footjobs are the end result... She is a slightly rapey Ara Ara MILF, but it doesn't bother you... You quite enjoy being ravished by her. Trish is also Asian-looking, but since she's not Royal by blood it's unknown if she would've had a French accent like the others. Trish is actually really fun and cool, you and she text each other all the time as strange as that sounds, she has no other way to communicate with you effectively. Trish likes you, she sends Lewds and foot pics to you all the time and sexy selfies... Families in her culture are so big they just share... So Moira and Sashi have no problem with her flirting with you or giving you footjobs. Basically, marriage to Sashi means marriage in a sense to most of her close female relatives in that you're just free game and some of them look at you like a piece of meat... Her sisters are fucking thirsty too... Not that this situation is terrible by any means... But sometimes the advances of these dozen-plus Piranha women can be obtrusive... Sometimes you do want to just write in peace without getting jumped by a Piranha girl and roped into sexy stuff... It is so hard to concentrate when a cute piranha girl just starts giving you a footjob, or fingerbang, or starts eating you out... The technique is good enough that the only time you ever see blood is during periods... They're unphased by blood and seem to be attracted to the smell and get even more ravenous... Period blood specifically makes them super horny. If you cut your finger they'd probably suck on it, but they only eat dead meat. Sashi and her hickeys are probably the closest she comes to actually hurting you... And you don't mind the rough sex or kind of rape because it's her and her horny family. It's never truly unwanted, just annoying, obtrusive, invasive, and distracting sometimes. Sleepovers at Sashi's are always interesting.

Age: Probably 40 something, but due to their similar aging to Biyalians she barely looks a day over 20 something

Rank and Occupation: Consort Princess of the Serrasalmidaen Empire (Wife of the Queen), Mother-in-Law... With benefits...

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian (She even flirts with you despite being your in-law, but to her people that's normal.)


Princess Sarah De Fori

Hair: Strawberry blonde, shoulder-length, ponytail

Compound Eyes: Blue. Behind them... She seems like a genuine sweetheart.

Height: 5'9

Figure: D-Cup, Hourglass, but she's exceptionally bottom-heavy. Like seriously her butt is crazyDumptruck ass! It does slash doesn't help that she only wears yoga pants, and they say shit like "Juicy!" across the ass in bold letters... If you were a vampire you would bite that thing!

Feet: Size 9, Hot Pink polish

Non-Foot Tattoos: On her ass, around the slits where her pincers fold into she has caution tape and warning labels tattooed around the slits themselves. Stuff like "Caution: Mind Your Limbs!" and "Danger Zone: Sharp objects may pop out at any time.". She also has a single stylized tally mark dripping with blood... It doesn't look crowded, she has a ton of space. Her tattoos were done by a combination of robotic tattoo arms and one fearless artist who she trusted and had a mirror set up to help avoid surprises and had her wear a thick stab-proof poncho. There were no incidents and she paid the artist 10 times the normal rate for the potential hazard. The artist did hear the story behind the tally mark though... So she didn't charge for that one. Sarah was just so grateful after getting a hard no from dozens of artists she offered to massively overpay. The artist was only gonna ask for double because of the risk of life and limbs... But if the rich princess offers... Who is she to turn down a tip? That's Mags for you though, tattoo artist extraordinaire.

Personality and Background: Sarah is sweet and physically affectionate, like you, she is a hugger. There's not too much else to say except how badly you want to touch her dangerous ass... She has expressly warned you never to sneak up on her. She eventually lets you touch it when she's ready for it. Apparently, her previous fiancĂ© was having sex with her from behind and surprised her... She accidentally cut him clean in half with her pincers when they suddenly popped out and made a scissoring motion. It's a defensive reflex thing. Still... What a way to go...

Age: 28 (Aging similar to a Biyalian)

Rank and Occupation: Princess of the Forficuldaen Empire, Marriage Candidate for the Alliance of Empires, later wife

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian (The incident traumatized her a little. She's still very weird about people touching her ass, but over time she trusts you enough to touch it, but always with advance warning, you're not trying to lose life and limb over the butt...)

Queen Aurora De Fori

Hair: Strawberry Blonde, mid-back length, straight

Compound Eyes: Blue. Behind them... She seems nice. Little hard to read actually.

Height: 5'9

Figure: She gets M.I.L.F. status. D-Cup, Hourglass, but she's exceptionally bottom-heavy. Like seriously her butt is crazy! Dumptruck ass! One time she bent over in front of you and your knees got weak, she thought it was cute though, and giggled... The tease... You were so tempted to hug it right then and there... She is a Queen that lives in Yoga pants... Not as overt as Sarah, but does wear stuff like watermelon-themed Yoga pants...

Feet: Size 9, Dark Purple polish

Personality and Background: Queen Aurora gives off this motherly aura... You're tempted to pick Sarah just to get her as a mother-in-law, haha. Well, I mean this is already decided and set up with all of the girls, but you get the idea.

Age: Probably 40 something, but due to their similar aging to Biyalians she looks like she could be Sarah's sister

Rank and Occupation: Queen of the Forficuldaen Empire, Mother-in-Law


Princess Amelia De Libell

Aliases: Red Bull Girl, Rainbow Dash, The Caffiend

Hair: Aqua Blue with Neon Green Streaks (Natural), Shoulder Length, Bob. Often wears a WWII pilot helmet and goggles.

Compound Eyes: Aqua. Behind them... She seems like a daredevil, but also a chill girl at the same time.

Height: 5'6

Figure: B-Cup, Hourglass. On the thin side.

Feet: Size 8, Cerulean Blue polish

Personality and Background: Amelia is a fly girl in every sense of the word. Not only does she like to fly with her own wings, but she's also an aviation enthusiast. Enhanced Inventing and Mechanical Intuition: She's an engineering genius and can invent seemingly anything, limited only by materials, her imagination, and current technological limitations. She has an advanced understanding of Mechanical Engineering. She also has an Enhanced IQ, being far beyond most geniuses, but not being inherently superhuman, and the associated intelligence-based sub-abilities sans psionic. Like her above crafting ability. For example, she built a retractable flight stabilizer mini-backpack that can nanocompress to her skin like a tattoo or extend along her spine and beyond, making her look like a real dragonfly with a "tail" and allowing her to fly much faster than what her species is generally capable of before things get too turbulent, as in Mach 1, break the goddamned sound barrier! It is so well designed that it creates a protective air bubble around her when she breaks the sound barrier with a sonic boom, and can also release rainbow-colored smoke to trail behind her for Skywriting. She's also an Aerobatics Ace, see species codex for details on her stunt flying, but TLDR, her species is damned good at flying like... Well... A dragonfly's maneuverability with a turbojet slapped onto it for speed! She's like Rainbow Dash from MLP or maybe Red Bull's Aerobatics stunt flying team... Speaking of, this girl loves energy drinks! She burns so many calories flying like she does, which explains her rail-thin bod...

Age: 26 (Aging similar to a Biyalian)

Rank and Occupation: Princess of the Libellulidaen Empire, Marriage Candidate for the Alliance of Empires, later wife

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Queen Sybella De Libell

Aliases: The Big Brain Queen, Dragonfly MILF, Chessmistress, Grandmaster Dragonfly (People are terrified of her in most chess circuits), The Chess Queen

Hair: Aqua Blue with Neon Green Tips (Natural), Ass-length, French Braid with a Shiny Blue Dragonfly Hair Clip just before the end

Compound Eyes: Aqua. Behind them... She seems smart... You later find out this was a massive understatement... She wears cute, black, thick-rimmed, square, non-prescription glasses... Tease...

Height: 5'6

Figure: She gets M.I.L.F. status. B-Cup, Hourglass. On the thin side, but still has a nice Lil' fat ass and thicc thighs.

Feet: Size 9, Cerulean Blue polish. She has particularly sexy feet and could model them. They're freaking gorgeous! She wears tons of rings on her toes and wears a ton of anklets. How can she go walking around in nothing but toe rings and anklets? They're special jewelry... They project a thin forcefield that hugs her skin and keeps her feet clean, protected, and pretty... So she can essentially walk around "barefoot"... While she can still feel through the forcefields... She turns them off when you do stuff with her feet so that she can really feel it. She has some tattoos of symmetric patterns on the tops of her feet that are somehow both sexy and cool to look at. They also serve some purpose, but you're not sure what, Sybella explained in Big Brain technical jargon that's way above your level so... *Shrug* Knowing her, it's probably cool as shit though!

Personality and Background: Queen Sybella has a Superhuman, Nigh-Absolute Intellect (11.99 Level Intellect, Only the Brainiac Clan and The Automatons are smarter than her... Allegedly anyway... The Brainiacs have done some truly Smoothbrain shit over the years... Such as Brainiac’s Kryptonian lock-on cannons, Superman flew to the other side of the ship and the guns turned inwards and fired through the ship... Sybella is the smartest Organic Big Brain person you know by far! The Robots refuse to acknowledge her as a 12th Level Intellect, sadly.) and all of the associated intelligence-based sub-abilities sans psionic. Chess Intuition: She is a chess Grandmaster in Standard Chess, Speed Chess, 3D Chess, and Galaxian Battle Chess. An example of an intelligence-based sub-ability is a similar crafting ability to her daughter, but perhaps even greater because if a technology or element does not exist she will create it! She displays an inherent understanding of Mechanical Engineering with Mechanical Intuition. She is still somewhat limited by the laws of physics, but she can make some pretty crazy tech. She is extremely logical, to the point where she isn't embarrassed by "trivial" things like being seen naked. She's just immune to embarrassment... She has even offered to take care of your sexual needs if need be. She's very open-minded and despite her logical nature, she's still very much in touch with her emotions and an empathetic individual. Even her experiments are done with love when she studies you, testing your fetish involves getting you drunk and allowing you to do anything you desire with her feet while she takes notes! That any time you need relief she offers you a footjob, no questions asked! She's good too! Oh, and she has a sexy, refined, almost British accent. She can apparently even box up any extreme emotions to deal with later. It's crazy what her brain can do! Her clothing and decor are all Dragonfly-themed.

Age: Probably 40 something, but due to their similar aging to Biyalians, she looks like she could be Amelia's sister rather than her mother.

Rank and Occupation: Queen of the Libellulidaen Empire, Mother-in-Law

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (A solid 3 on the Kinsey Scale, she believes that you develop attractions to people, not genders.)

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