Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Biyalian Technology Codex: Exo-Suits

Prototype Powered Exo-Suits aka  Mark I "Buzzkill" (Squads are nicknamed the Black Knights, while the suits include some Yellow they are primarily Black): While still in development... I'm going to be a bit unprofessional here... It's an Iron Man suit... There are no ands, ifs, or buts about it. Although how cool would it be if Iron Man actually existed outside of Comic Books? However, they are actually loosely modeled on the suit worn by the Supervillain Firefly, due to his Black and Yellow style. I actually got his input on the suits, he was flattered that we used his suit as the basis. Supervillains gotta stick together, right? Anyway, these Power Armors features include:

  • Being Bulletproof up to 50 Caliber
  • Being able to take direct hits from tank shells if at a distance of 300 feet away or more, any closer, and the odds of critical damage and/or death of the pilot greatly increase.
  • Upgraded Biyalian Forcefields: Due to a stronger power source these forcefields can take more punishment before overloading and no longer suffer vulnerability to Reach Disruptor Rifles.
  • Upgraded Jet Thrusters: Stronger, longer-lasting, and able to achieve higher speeds than a standard Biyalian Jetpack or Biological Wings. Just like with Jet Packs, Jet Thrusters are located in the upper back portion of the armor for ease of use and a shorter special training time required to master them.
  • Upgraded Plasma Repeaters: These are closer to Vehicle caliber than the caliber of the Standard Issue Assault Rifles, they are built into the wrists.
  • Mini-Missile Pods: These fire heat-seeking missiles, they are smaller than a Vehicle caliber Rocket Launcher, and fire smaller missiles but are roughly equal in destructive power to the Standard Issue Rocket Launchers, and can fire multiple rockets in quick succession. Mini-Missile Pods were chosen as they are easily built into the armors due to their smaller size. They are concealed in the shoulders until fired, they kind of open like car headlights. They are newer, more advanced technology than Rocket Launchers, more bang for your buck if you will.

Female Specific Modifications: The Black Knights are Primarily male. However, there are a few female members. Female suits have differently shaped torso to accommodate the female anatomy. However, most women just bind for convenience, at the cost of some comfort, although some prefer the female shaped torso. Finally, all female suits have a modified back, to accommodate wings. The wings are not unprotected though, they are covered by the same material as the armor, preventing use. However, the thrusters more than make up for this. Royal Guard Captain Beatrice said she would gladly join once the suits pass the Prototype stage, as she was invited as soon as the Black Knights formed. It should be noted that Captain Beatrice outranks the Black Knights, the Black Knights, in turn, outrank most Class I Royal Guards.

Closing Notes: Only soldiers that have proven their merits on the field of battle are selected to become members of the Black Knights.

Powered Exo-Suit Mark II "Stinger"

The Stinger is an improvement in every way over the Mark I. It features thicker armor, a stronger and more efficient power source, and heavier weapons. The same female options are available and now standard issue for female Black Knights. The armor itself is physically bulkier looking than the Mark I.

  • Surge protectors are standard from the Mark II onwards as well as onboard A.I. "L.I.N.D.A." (Logistical Interface Neurological Digital Assistant. Neurological because it reads brain waves, it's all external.)
  • Bulletproof 50 Caliber and up
  • Can take tank shells at point-blank range with only surface scratches to the paint, these suits are nearly indestructible
  • Biyalian Forcefields Mark II: Due to a stronger power source these forcefields can take more punishment before overloading and no longer suffer vulnerability to Reach Disruptor Rifles. More Durable than the Mark I and more energy efficient.
  • Jet Thrusters Mark II: Stronger, longer-lasting, and able to achieve higher speeds than a standard Biyalian Jetpack or Biological Wings. More efficient than Mark I Thrusters, they last about twice as long on the same number of power cells.
  • Plasma Repeaters Mark II: Due to stronger servos these are of Vehicle caliber, they are built into the wrists.
  • Mini-Missile Pods Mark II: These fire heat-seeking missiles, they are smaller than a Vehicle caliber Rocket Launcher, and fire smaller missiles but are roughly equal in destructive power to the Standard Issue Rocket Launchers, and can fire multiple rockets in quick succession. However, Mini-Missile Pods were chosen as they are easily built into the armors due to their smaller size. They are concealed in the shoulders until fired, they kind of open like car headlights. They are newer, more advanced technology than Rocket Launchers, more bang for your buck if you will. Mark II Rocket Pods use higher-grade explosives and come with Incendiary and EMP options.
  • Banshee Flamethrowers: Mounted on the wrists these "Flamethrowers" (It's actually plasma but you get the idea) are standard issue, the same as the backpack variety. Due to advancements in Nano-compression technology Mark II suits hold hundreds of nearly microscopic fuel tanks, giving these flamethrowers nearly infinite ammo. Note: The helmets help muffle the horrifying screeching sound the Plasma throwers emit due to the ionization process. The sound is a sound all enemies of Biyalia dread... The psychological terror alone is almost as effective as the weapons themselves.
Mark II Add-On Module "Titan"

The Titan is an add-on module for the Stinger Armor. While the Stinger possesses enhanced servos, it is far outclassed by individuals with superhuman strength. We aren't talking Captain America enhanced, the Stinger can handle that, we're talking Incredible Hulk levels of strength. The Titan is designed to be extremely durable and can lift approximately 25 Tons. It is approximately 12 feet tall. One could say it was modeled on the fictional Hulkbuster of the Iron Man comics. So far only one Titan unit has been produced, it is owned and piloted by Guard Captain Beatrice. They are not mass-produced as they are only for emergency situations. Wearing the Titan Armor over the Stinger prevents the use of most weapons, however, its raw strength more than makes up for it. A weaponized version is currently in development.


Powered Exo-Suit Mark III "Wraith"

The Wraith is considered the first Specialized Armor. It is primarily used for stealth and riot control. Non-lethal options are available. It's physically sleeker than the Mark I and Mark II. The same female options are available and now standard issue for female Black Knights. It is more durable than the Mark I but not Nigh indestructible like the Mark II as it designed for stealth and street riots rather than open combat. The armor is painted dark blue for maximum stealth at night even when Optical Camo. is not active, as black would show a more pronounced silhouette.

  • Bulletproof up to 50 Caliber
  • Damage from explosives has not been thoroughly tested. However the safe distance is roughly the same as the Mark I. Mark III's should not be engaging tanks in the first place.
  • Upgraded Biyalian Forcefields: Due to a stronger power source these forcefields can take more punishment before overloading and no longer suffer vulnerability to Reach Disruptor Rifles. More Durable than the Mark I and more energy-efficient, roughly equal to Mark II, now with Smartsave. Shields are not always on and only deploy when necessary to conserve maximum power.
  • Jet Thrusters Mark II: Stronger, longer-lasting, and able to achieve higher speeds than a standard Biyalian Jetpack or Biological Wings. More efficient than Mark I Thrusters, they last about twice as long on the same number of power cells. The Mark III Thrusters contain afterburners, now usable due to reduced armor weight. When not afterburning the thrusters are completely silent.
  • Optical Camouflage: This allows the user to become nearly invisible, blending in with the environment seamlessly.
  • Plasma Repeater: Built into the wrist it is the standard Assault Rifle in a compact form.
  • Shotgun: Built into the wrist this is one of the few Biyalian weapons using gunpowder. Scattershot lasers are just not practical. Anyway... It is an Auto shotgun. Mainly used for Riots it comes with both standard shotgun shells and rubber bullets. Able to switch from lethal to non-lethal on command.
  • Dart Launcher: Also built into the wrist the dart launchers feature two kinds of darts. One coated in genetically engineered super concentrated bee venom, it kills within seconds. Allergy or not. The non-lethal option is a paralytic poison that makes the muscles seize up in the localized area of the dart. Strong enough to stop a running target while leaving their heart and lungs unaffected. Able to switch from lethal to non-lethal on command.
  • Taser: Built into the palm it is a Taser. A Non-cabled version is in development.

Mark IV "Nanotech"

The Nanotech Armor is Biyalian Nanocompression Technology pushed to its extremes. It is essentially a Mark III... With the Mark II's durability and its own signature ability, the ability to nanocompress and be deployed at the will of the user. It can be worn any way when compressed, a bracelet is the most common form. Only one unit currently exists, it is owned and piloted by Princess Elana.

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