Friday, March 25, 2016

Elana's Playlist 3

Fuck You - Lily Allen (Starting strong! This one is surprising catchy and upbeat! Elana should save this one to shut down Priscilla for maximum effect!)

Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne (This is SO Elana. Probably best to set in the future when Elana has a bit more confidence, although she'd have to have a more submissive GF. My favorite line is "Hell yeah I'm the motherfucking princess!")

Whatdya Want From Me? - Adam Lambert (I feel this one just works you know? And it's that much stronger if you know it's about a dude.)

Wasteland - Earlyrise (This one is just powerful... I mean this one's an obvious choice.)

*Fuckin' Perfect - P!nk (This one's a maybe. We'll have to see how the arcs play out. But I feel it can fit nicely)

Pocketful of Sunshine - Natasha Bedingfield (This one's a bit of a guilty pleasure but it's just so catchy! In a way it fits Elana well.)

This one is great for the end of Rebellion, even if only for one line

Lights - Ellie Goulding ("And the queen has been overthrown." is the line in question)

Become Mad - Earlyrise (I knew I forgot one. Ever get that feeling that something's bugging you? Anyway this another one that resonates with me deeply... I wanna say this one's about abuse so... It really works for Elana...

Elana: Neon Rainbow - RWBY Vol. 3, Casey Lee Williams

The Hand that Feeds - 9 Inch Nails

That's actually all I got right now. From this point on it will probably just be one or two adds... Well actually... I have a couple more...

Like one for the Scarlet Sniper. I suppose it doesn't give too much away other than her country of origin... She's still an enigma (I've showed you this one before, as I still like this version the best)

There's also the more traditional version. But it's a bit too slow for my tastes... But... It arguably fits in better with her character as she often hums it to herself, a Russian love song that plays into her backstory- Whoops! You didn't see that... He he

The only other one would be Only My Railgun cause that's super dorky and totally Elana's thing. Oh course something like that would have to be vehicle mounted... (Damn I need to binge the rest of Railgun... Two words: Teleporting Lesbian.)

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