Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Bio: Zazzala

Hair: Brown, Shoulder Length? Zazzala always keeps her hair in a pseudo-beehive style.

Compound Eyes: Blue

Height: 5'9

Figure: C-Cup, hourglass figure

Feet: Size 9, Onyx Black/Honey Yellow alternating

Personality and Background: Zazzala is a power hungry tyrant, wanting nothing short of total world domination, having set her sights on Earth. She comes from her home planet of Korll. She is the only surviving Biyalian from the homeworld. (The small squad of Drones she brought with her, as well as her sister Tazzala died founding the Hive and capturing the first few hundreds of converts) Though she does rule with an iron fist and may seem harsh on the outside, those she cares deeply about... She cares for with all her heart. In Biyalian years, that's biologically, she's about 45. However... She does not outwardly appear so, appearing to be in her 20's or maybe early 30's. Chronologically she's actually about... 180... Although this is unclear due to time distortions from travelling at light speed from her homeworld to Earth.

Rank and Occupation: Queen of the Hive, Grand General of the Biyalian Military

Special Abilities: High Intellect; Superhuman Strength and Speed. (Common among Biyalians as a whole, although most converts are unaware of their powers) However certain individuals within the Hive, such as Brunhilda and Beatrice exceed her abilities in some or all areas.

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