Sunday, March 29, 2015

Bio: Allison Striker

Full Name: Allison Brittany Striker

Hair: Blonde, Mid-Back Length, Straight

Compound Eyes: Blue... Behind them... Oh behind them... Don't even get me started! Allison is a conceited Bitchasaurus Rex and a horrible older sister! But... For some reason, after becoming Biyalian she's completely different... As if her brain has been completely rewired... She's actually pleasant to be around now... It makes you feel weird after the years you spent growing up with her...

Height: 5'6, an inch taller than you... Something she always bragged about...

Figure: As little Miss Perfect always has to be better than you... She's got an hourglass figure and D-Cup breasts... Fortunately, it stayed the same after becoming Biyalian, so you're at least closer to her now... She got a fat ass too... And her legs are just mmmm...

Feet: A Size 9, absolutely gorgeous... The bitch could model them... Emerald Green Polish. You've always wanted her feet... But she never let you have them... Cause you were always just her weird little sister... But now after becoming Biyalian she's more than happy to offer them to you... But you refuse her... Your pride getting in the way... For a while anyway... The two of you bond over your fetish now.

Personality and Background: Bitch. Bitch. Bitch. Bitch. Bitch. (I may be a bit biased) She thinks she's all noble now cause she's nice and pleasant to be around... Trying to make up for the past or some bullshit excuse. That doesn't change the past of growing up with her and all the noogies, swirlies, gut punches, trips down the stairs, the insults... Need I go on? There is no atoning for her past sins in my book... Nothing she could possibly do can change the past. It'd take a divine miracle for me ever like this bitch in any way, shape, or form... But... As with all things... Time... Given time, several years, the two of you buried the hatchet and Queen Bee officially adopted Allison. She's still a drone but she has several perks being the Princess' stepsister. The incident that really brought the two of you together as sisters, even if not by blood is a gift she got you for the sole purpose of teasing you with a combination of mean, degrading, and... Accurate... She got you a Rainbow hoodie that said "I 💓 Feet" on the front that she had specially made for you. Even if her intentions were ill she put a lot of thought, time, creativity, and money into it... And really the hoodie is not wrong and it was well past time you truly embraced your fetish so to her surprise you put it on and hugged her tightly. Completely shocking her and making her realize there wasn't much point in purposefully trying to degrade you anymore and she became a better person as a result, becoming a much more mature woman overnight. She still likes to tease you though which is totally fine. You wear it all the time and even had a matching anklet made. It's so weird... Once the two of you started to gel it's almost like she could be your real sister. You call each other your Not-Sister as a term of endearment. (If you're coming here from a Pre-Princess Bee Proto-Prime chapter then Allison is actually her sister by blood and they're still bitter enemies as it's still 2015 in that timeline and the "Incident" that made them "real sisters" has not occurred yet. Allison's bio now reflects her in relation to Elana Prime.)

Rank and Occupation: CLASS II DRONE! Haha! Fucking Drone! I win! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! But... She got to keep her free will... But still! Fucking Drone! Ha ha ha ha! Royal Family Favored Drone. Being the adopted sister of the Princess grants her a few perks.

Bio provided by His Divine Shadow

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