Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Division Head Bio: Sakura Leslie Haruyama

Full Name: Dr. Sakura Leslie Haruyama (Side Note: Almost no one is allowed to call her by her first name, especially not you, even though you keep telling her that you think it's way cuter than Leslie. However, over the years you slowly wore her down and now she actually kinda loves it when you call her Sakura...)

Alias: Guardian Angel

Hair: Black, Upper Back Length, In a ponytail or bun usually, occasionally rocks the Bob.

Compound Eyes: Purple (Weird Side-Effect of the Nanomachines in her blood), Behind them... You hate to admit it... But you like her now... Despite the past... She's cool... And they're just so beautiful now...

Height: 5'4

Figure: E-Cup, Hourglass. Fat ass, thicc thighs, killer legs... Due to an accident where the Feminizer exploded and coated her in X-Chromosome Stimulation Gel 2.0 and then she got even more on her digging Stark out of a blob of it... This was the result. She was formerly a C-Cup and averagely hourglass-shaped. She even makes lab coats look sexy... Especially now! Due to Nanites bringing her body to its biological peak she has a perfect physique that's not too muscular and is just... Sexy... Peak Human Beauty for sure...

Feet: Size 11. Weird for her height but never the less they're extremely nice and well cared for. Shiny Cerulean Blue Polish. She could model them... They're gorgeous and after the accident... Just the peak of aesthetic perfection... There's a reason you crushed on her so hard in High School... Her feet display such Enhanced Adroitness that they're basically prehensile. The strength, dexterity, and precision of her feet and toes are incredible, from hacking to cooking to building complex technology, this girl is good with her feet! As a bonus, she also has flawless robotic coordination and flow to her motions. With downloaded professional knowledge and skill combined with her robotic flow and precision, her footjobs are divine! Literal footjob machine mmm... Not only that but she can also do it at hyperspeed while still maintaining that incredible technique... She's the go-to gal if you want to cum hard... That's for sure. She even has special hyper-cooling lube she uses on you so you don't get friction burns and the like...

Personality and Background: Oh the dilemma... She broke your heart when you were in high school but now... She's quickly become one of your best friends. She's very open-minded and supportive now, a real sweetheart... She has her occasional bitch moments but who doesn't? People really can change with time as they say. She's the same age as you, but Biyalians age really slowly so... She'll be with you a while. You don't know much about her family history other than that she's clearly of Japanese descent. Funny enough she's not even good at martial arts, just some women's self-defense classes. She has a genius-level intellect, not quite Peak Human (But seriously high!) but she does specialize in a few fields. She became fast friends with Phoebe due to their shared big biology brains and interest in it. Phoebe often collaborates on Bioscience projects with her, they're like besties now. She's also really close with Karen/Daisy, though she won't admit it. In the new timeline created by the Dimensional Bleeding Effect from the first time Elana met her Doppelgangers, Leslie decided to stay and help Stark when the Feminizer exploded instead of hauling ass like in the old timeline. As a result, she got coated in a thick layer of X-Chromosome Stimulation Gel 2.0, and even more got on her when she dug Stark out of a huge blob of the gel. The 2.0 Gel causes a less drastic change in height and weight for men and a more drastic change in the figure of women. It is also much more "virulent" than the original gel, aggressively rewriting DNA in seconds as opposed to over the course of a week. As a result of extra X-Chromosomes she gained an incredibly hot body and a gorgeous, almost divinely beautiful face... She is naturally, effortlessly, flawlessly, pretty. Even without makeup. She's just effortlessly attractive. Even when rolling out of bed. However... She was not happy... Her IQ had dropped significantly... She was even further from the other Division Heads now! In her despair, she ate a bottle of pills and overdosed... She was injected with Nanomachines to restart her system and they boosted all of her stats as a side effect. Oh yeah, and you guys are super freaking close now! You were her rock after her lab accident and a romantic spark was ignited. (If you're coming here from a Pre-Princess Bee chapter then this stuff about the lab accident and Nanomachines does not apply. Sakura's bio now reflects her in relation to Elana Prime.)

Age: 27 (Feminizer accident and aging halted after Nanomachine injection at 24.)

Education: Ph.D. in Biology, Masters in Engineering, Associates in Psychology

Rank and Occupation: Head of the Bio-Science Division of R and D. She is one of 4 Division Heads. R and D Division Heads are treasured by the Hive. She is ranked somewhere under a Branch Overseer, which is the acting Queen of a Biyalian Territory! Resident Hacker and Mission Coordinator for various organizations within the Hive under various unofficial callsigns like Hive and Computer Lass (Which really irritates her). But her official callsign is Guardian Angel since she always sends floating robotic "Angel" drones on missions with teams that she's coordinating and hacking for.

Sexuality: Straight... But you made her "Ellie-sexual". She's not generally into girls... Except for you... Hehehe.


Nano-Active Blood: Leslie has hyper-advanced Nanomachines in her blood designed by the other 3 Division Heads. She felt like an idiot child compared to the other 3 Division Heads with her IQ of only 325... What are 3 Degrees vs mega-geniuses like Stark who invented a miniaturized ARC Reactor and is a robotics prodigy, Phoebe with her literal mutant super-cephalopod brain, and Karen/Daisy who can build literally anything, even if it defies physics... And then when the side effects of helping Stark during the Feminizer accident dropped her IQ even further she couldn't take it anymore and ODed. She was injected with Nanomachines to restart her system and they multiplied in perpetuity. They allowed her to safely start expanding her intelligence capabilities. This grants her numerous secondary abilities but Leslie is afraid of what she may become so 90% of her Nanomachine functions are disabled.

Bio-Tech Interface/Cyber Brain: Her Nanomachines can download data that is in turn instantly added to her memory. She can literally download information directly into her brain, granting her the capacity for Instant Learning. Each individual Nanomachine also acts as a sort of External Hard Drive, increasing her "Storage Capacity" to learn things. Through her Nanomachines she also has wi-fi in her head, allowing her to also learn the old-fashioned way except the screen is inside her own mind. She also has Computer Perception, meaning she has the analytical prowess of a supercomputer, allowing her to compute and process information at incredible speeds. As of right now, she has Superhuman Intelligence like the other Division Heads, and all of the associated Intelligence Based Sub-Powers sans Psionic ones. For example Enhanced Multitasking and Parallel Processing. When she hacks she uses at minimum 5 separate computers and is often doing other projects. Numerical Precision: The user can solve, measure, and calculate problems through numbers without using mathematical operations, but through pure intuition. They have an intuitive understanding of all forms of mathematics, perceive reality as a numerical construct, and instinctively identify the variables/quantum possibilities in any situation. She can isolate/analyze/calculate any/all variables, to solve any/all problems, they possess flawless accuracy/precision, and allow them to always calculate the optimal choice/tactic in any situation, etc. instantly. They can tell how many bullets there are inside a gun and how many have been shot, the measurements of areas or coordinates without having data of it or any information, etc. An advanced user can tell the numbers of stars in a galaxy, know how many atoms in a certain body, and even determine the material percentage of any chemical compound or physical structure, tell the right time including hour, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds with the slightest thought, which are winning numbers in a lottery, determine the speed and velocity of any object, calculate and predict every outcome related to cause and effect, etc. On the battlefield, they can tell the number of incoming armies without counting them. Instructive Muscle Memory and Adaptive Muscle Memory: She can instantly replicate movements after reading about them, hearing them described to her, or watching them only once. Like Taskmaster but with more ways she can copy stuff. These are just a couple of examples. You get the idea, computer brain.

Technopathy: She can control and access technology with her mind. She also has an innate understanding of technology now and her brain has become more computer-like.

Computer Operation Intuition: Leslie has an innate understanding of technology on a fundamental level. She is a master Coder, Decoder, Programmer, Hacker, etc. She has become the Hive's resident Hacker, Mission Coordinator, and all-around "Girl in the chair". Her callsign is Guardian Angel because she always sends multipurpose floating robotic "Angel" drones on missions with teams she coordinates and hacks for.

Enhanced Inventing and Mechanical Intuition: By downloading schematics and or stealing them via hacking if she has to, basically if a schematic for something exists in digital form somewhere she can download it. After downloading by using her robotic dexterity and precision she can turn her hands (And feet the evil fucking tease... Ooooh... The footjobs she must be able to give...) into living fabricators to build anything the schematic exists for, given she has the materials and it's not, for example, the schematic for physics-defying Automaton tech or something otherwise impossible for her to build. She can also fabricate small objects from her body using her Nanites.

Nanite Enhanced Body: Even though they're on the lowest setting, the Nanites are constantly keeping Leslie's cells in peak form. As a result, she has Disease Immunity, Biological Immortality, and most likely an insane Healing Factor. Self-Sustenance: Sakura does not need to breathe, eat, sleep, or expel waste from her body. The Nanites take care of her needs. Sanitized Metabolism and Pleasant Scent: Sakura always smells neutral or pleasant. She is incapable of stinking or producing an offensive odor. Even her feet just smell like clean feet. The Nanites also brought her body to its peak. As if she wasn't hot enough before now she has a perfect physique that's not too muscular but still affording her Peak Human and possibly even Enhanced Strength and other stats. As mentioned before her brain has become more computer-like and precise, her entire body actually. She displays flawless Coordination, Balance, Precision, Dexterity, Reflexes, etc. What I'm saying is she's robotically precise while still being human. She still has not officially learned to fight but she can hold her own just by virtue of her effortlessly smooth motion, she could probably download Martial Arts Training... If this is Nanomachines at 10% power... They are unhackable and EMP-proof.

Bio Provided by His Divine Shadow

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