Monday, October 6, 2014

Elana's Notes: Beatrice "Bea" Jameson

Full Name: Beatrice "Bea" Quincina Jameson

Alias: Captain Bea

Hair: Blonde, Shoulder Length, Straight. In a neat Military Bun for her job. Looks good for someone who does what she does... Does blood even wash out of hair? Occasionally wears a Queensguard beret, equivalent to the top special forces in the world. On her off days... She combs out her bangs and styles it in a M.I.L.F. Bob... 1000% more M.I.L.F. vibes... And she wonders why you hit on her so much more on her off-duty hours...

Compound Eyes: Green, like sparkling Emeralds. Behind them is a woman who's probably done some shit she ain't proud of... Damn... Biyalian eyes really make it tough to read people... Perhaps Beatrice is actually a good person at heart? As you later learned, she was just kind of unapproachable at first. Charisma is not a power she possesses...

Height: She is 6'2 from whatever went horribly right during her conversion process. Formerly 5'6.

Figure: Well her suit leaves little to the imagination... A perfect hourglass, boobs no less than a D-Cup, and a perfectly firm, but suspiciously sizeable ass... Not gonna lie... It's perfect... As far as you're concerned, that ass is Biyalia's ass! She likes that reference a lot. Yet somehow her armor still looks like it'd stop a bullet... She is in phenomenal shape and looks like an Olympian Athlete. Despite her insane supersoldier strength, she's not all that muscular, but you can definitely 100% grate cheese on those girl-abs... The hottest ones are always straight...

Feet: If ever you wish you had Supergirl's power of X-Ray vision... Anyway, in your professional opinion, Beatrice is a size 13... And a half... But she told you she was a 9.5 and you aren't blind... She's probably just embarrassed about it. You still get the feeling that she's one who takes care of her feet, probably has some nice nail polish on too... But she would be slightly embarrassed if someone pointed it out... Most likely... You're pretty sure you spotted black polish on her fingernails, so it's not too much of a stretch... Of course, maybe it's just the blood flowing into your head... Maybe if you ask "The Queen" really nicely when this is all over, she'll let you play with Bea's feet... Later, once you finally got to see her feet... Mmmm... Modelesque is a good word to use... They are gorgeous and you were totally right, Onyx Black with Biyalian Gold tips. Like... Damn! Come to think, mom was pretty weird about the whole thing in the very earliest days before she mellowed the fuck out. After seeing how much you fawn over her daughter Becky's size 12's she loves that you still find her feet attractive despite their size and is less self-conscious about it now. The number of camo socks of varying lengths and camo leggings this woman owns is staggering! Did she buy out the fucking store? Haha!

Non-Foot Tattoos: Bea has Captain America's iconic shield on her right bicep along with the phrase "Mighty Shield" curved alongside the top and bottom of the shield in comic book style font. On her left bicep, she has B.A.M.F. tattooed in bold black letters.

Personality and Background: Beatrice seems like the type that doesn't screw around, and takes shit from no one... Well, no one with their jaw still on straight anyway... Answering only to the Queen. Seeing as she seems to be the Queen's go-to Disciplinary Officer... You take it Beatrice has been here a while... And as clichéd as it is... She has a human name... So it's unlikely she was born Biyalian... Still having her free will, it's obvious that at some point the Queen had taken a liking to her. Physically she looks like she's in her late 20's... Maybe 28?... It's difficult to know for sure because the Biyalian transformation process affects a person's aging rate. Over time you've come to learn that Bea is like a cactus... Tough on the outside, but has a soft gooey center and is actually just a big ole' momma bear. She's been here since the late '60s after being injured in the Vietnam War and saved by Biyalia's advanced medical tech and converted. She has come to be an older sister/mom figure in your life over the years. She is a HUGE fan of Captain America and has quite the collection of comics dating back to the original WWII comics (Her dad was also a fan and collected them) and funnily enough, Chris Evans is her celebrity crush. As a woman who is very gay, but also not blind... Yeah... You gotta nod in agreement with her that he is kind of a perfect male specimen lol. Bea is not White despite her looks... Not fully anyway... Her family is part Hispanic somewhere not so far down the line... Considering her middle name, it fits... Oh, and she's a huge fan of Motown and Soul, not that strange considering her actual age. It works for her, very Bea. She enjoys hits like My Girl, Just the Two of Us, Boogie Wonderland, and Let's Groove, what's not to like? They're good songs! Her casual look consists of Olive Drab sweats and a matching hoodie with "BAMF!" in bold black letters. She has like 50 of them! She used to always wear tennis shoes, but now wears flip-flops when you're around, both to tease you and to save time for when you inevitably do your thing, which she has grown to really enjoy. Yes... More sexy feet to be shown off all of the time and worshipped, mwahaha! Hehe.

Rank and Occupation: She seems to be Captain of the Biyalian Royal Guard, judging by her armor and attitude. (Captain of the Queensguard, The Black Knights, and Queen Zazzala's personal bodyguard. Although that's part of her Queensguard role anyway. In addition to being in the Biyalian Royal Airforce... Just... What?! When does she sleep! Although apparently, she's primarily just Zazzala's personal bodyguard when needed and mostly just trains the Queensguard, only very rarely going out on Black Knights Special Ops or piloting her VTOL. Her armor proudly displays the Queensguard Crown Emblem on the breastplate.) She is extremely valuable to the Hive, being a Special Forces Captain and the Queen's personal bodyguard. She is ranked somewhere under a Branch Overseer, which is the acting Queen of a Biyalian Territory! As Captain of the Queensguard, her armor has "Queen's Shield" written above the Crown emblem in Korllian. The Biyalian salute is interesting... It's pretty much just standing at attention with your left arm folded behind your back and slamming your right fist into your chest and holding it there. Every guard does it whenever you or your mother enter a room... You can always hear their boots bang together in unison when they get into the stance and they always synchronize the chest pound too... The Biyalian military is crazy disciplined!

Special Abilities

Super Soldier more or less. She's tougher, faster, and stronger than any warrior the Hive has. That's your rough guess anyway... Let's see what her file says...

Enhanced Condition: Seriously? She's an actual super soldier?! During her conversion process something just kind of randomly went horribly right... And they haven't been able to replicate it to this day in over 50 years! The prevailing theory is that the Medi-Gel put into her conversion pod to heal her while she was converted into a Biyalian had some kind of unknown catalyst reaction that unlocked partial Hymenopteran genetic code buried deep in her Biyalian DNA... You have personally seen her do some Captain America ass shit on multiple occasions... She runs circles around her former NFL Runningback subordinate Griff. "On your left!" is a phrase shouted by Bea frequently while going on her 15 Mile morning run along the Queensguard Athletic Track in 30 minutes... Blowing past everyone else every couple of minutes... She easily out benches her other literal brick shithouse, nearly 7 foot tall subordinate Murph with ease... 1000 lbs is her light warmup exercise. She even arm-curled a VTOL trying to take off with one arm on a drunken dare, creating a new drunk sport for troops in power armor in the process... That was over 3,000 lbs of takeoff force and she prevented it from taking off with just one arm, after anchoring herself with her other arm and visibly straining a little bit. Mind you she was also drunk at the time. Still, the feat stands as a demonstration of how strong this woman actually is. Funnily enough, she had recently watched a Captain America movie and wondered what her upper limit of strength actually was. In addition to insane stamina, endurance, lung capacity, etc. She also frequently acts as "The Heavy" in her Squad, being able to effortlessly wield weapons generally mounted on vehicles like miniguns without slowing down or tiring at all. The Queensguard and the Black Knights still tell the story to this day about this one day decades ago that she singlehandedly broke a siege on the Hive using a prototype Mark I Armor... Armor... Not Power Armor... The servos weren't installed yet, so she literally shouldered the full half-ton of weight and went out there with a minigun and beat back the entire Strike Team by herself! She is the original Black Knight and it's occasionally used as her Military Callsign. She has an above-average IQ and learns anything that she tries quickly if she applies herself. It comes to her easier than it would to a normal person. Theoretically, she could be a great hacker or something if she really tried... She also remembers everything post-conversion... From 1969 onward... She remembers the full name, face, callsign, rank, and personality of every soldier under her command since she became Captain of the Queensguard in 1969... That's heavy...

Contaminant Immunity: She is immune to Diseases, Health Ailments, Drugs, and the worst effects of Alcohol. With enough effort, she can get drunk. Honey especially can punch through her extreme tolerance. However, she retains 100% of her mental functioning even when drunk. She does get more fun, open, and chatty though and prone to doing stupid shit like arm curling a small aircraft after seeing it in a movie just to show off that she can lift 3,000 lbs with one arm and a bit of effort.

Accelerated Metabolism: Her body always stays in peak form whether she works out or not but she loves exercise so... Anyway she also heals like Spider-Man. Recovering from most injuries in hours and days instead of weeks and months.

Badassery: The woman, the myth, the legend. Bea is just a badass, it's probably a superpower. Hehehe.

Inhuman Durability: Bea is exceptionally tough and has survived 50 years of near-constant wars, skirmishes, riots, and other dangerous situations. So she's either really tough or really lucky... Come to think she has quite a few scars on her abdomen, back, arms, and legs which looks to be a mix of bullet, laser rifle, cut, burn, and shrapnel scars... Among others that you can't quite figure out... Like the... Lightsaber scar? And the... Kraken tentacle scar? One straight-up could have been a Chestburster scar! She mentioned having a nasty alien parasite once... Though she was more likely just impaled... That is still horrible... Not that you're a doctor or anything, but she's clearly survived a fucking lot without slowing down one bit, so she has some kind of accelerated metabolism or minor healing thing that always brings her back to 100%. Realistically her shoulder, for example, should be 10 kinds of fucked up with how many times she's been shot yet she still retains the full range of motion and arm curls aircraft attempting to take off... Actually, that would make her a bit tougher than a normal human cause her body can handle her increased strength, her muscles and bones are more durable than a human's, but she's not like bulletproof or anything... As far as you know anyway... Her body can withstand incredible blunt force injuries that would seriously injure or kill a normal person. Such as riding her shield and landing on it after jumping from a plane, which would destroy a normal person's knees on impact if not outright kill them. Seriously, she just doesn't use a parachute... This includes being in full power armor without the use of her wings and without it where she just superhero lands on her shield from 30,000 feet... So naturally, she can take a hit! You've seen her face tank some pretty gnarly attacks... Like a manhole cover magnetically flung at her that would've taken a normal person's head off just giving her a fat lip... Maybe she is bulletproof, or at least resistant... Biyalian Military uniforms and shield tech are also pretty advanced these days, so a lot of these scars might as well be ancient history... As stated above... The woman is a badass...

Iron Resolve and Leadership Intuition: Even when her subordinates die right in front of her, she leads without so much as flinching. She keeps everyone focused on the mission, even when their first instinct is to panic. She always stays cool under pressure. While she isn't the most charismatic... (She's kind of a hardass.) She's still a beloved and exceptional commander. She also gives damned good inspirational speeches! She's been doing this shit forever after all. But mostly she just thinks "What would Captain America do?" and wings it. Most importantly, she would never ask her subordinates to do something she wouldn't do and leads by example.

Enhanced Combat: Advanced Hand to Hand Combatant. She has been training in Queensguard CQC Techniques for 50+ years and also knows the Biyalian native Martial Art of the Sting Dive, which centers around high-speed flight and kicks. She knows and has mastered over a dozen Martial Arts from Krav Maga to Savate to Jiu-Jitsu to Boxing to Wrestling, etc... You get the idea, she knows styles from all around the world! She also learned how to fight with and throw a shield because of course, she did! Her fighting skill is further augmented by her enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes, etc. She holds back her strength against "Squishies" in sparring matches, but still tends to knock people out with one strike in serious combat for efficiency's sake.

Peak Human Accuracy, Enhanced Throwing, and Ricochet Intuition: Beatrice is an expert marksman. She rarely, if ever, misses. Whether with a rifle, pistol, or a thrown shield... It has been said and I quote "When Captain Beatrice throws her mighty shield. It has the strength to sail three lengths of a football field." Though it's possible they were just rhyming. Sounds about right though... You've played dodgeball with her... Remembering your teammates get drilled into the wall by the ball... *Shivers* Girl can do that good math too with the shield ricochets! She is insanely good at geometry and physics, so much so, that she can even ricochet bullets when using non-laser weaponry! She can bounce a laser rifle round off a mirror too though...

Weapon Proficiency: All Biyalian Guns, Shield: Bea can pick up any Biyalian gun or any shield and use it masterfully. Though naturally, she has a personal Black and Yellow round shield made of the nigh-indestructible Depleted Promethium and painted with the Queensguard Crown Emblem that she prefers to use. With features like a handy magnetic return function.

War Vehicle Proficiency: Aircraft: Complete VTOL Training. Can use any Biyalian VTOL proficiently. Has a custom VTOL.

Exo-Suit Proficiency: Complete Power Armor Training. Can use any Biyalian model proficiently and even has a custom set and add-on module for it.

Military Intuition and Special Ops Mastery: 50+ Years in the Biyalian Military. Highly trained soldier and Special Ops Commando. Her tactical thinking ability is second to none in the field, able to make sound decisions quickly while under great stress. You could call her a military genius. Bea earned her beret and is the equivalent of any of the best special forces in the world.

Peak Human Stealth: While she is not necessarily a stealth agent, she has been trained in basic military stealth tactics. She can walk without making any sound and for whatever reason, she tends to blend into the background when acting as the Queen's shadow.

Bio provided by His Divine Shadow

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